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Munchkin - A specific breed officially recognized by TICA in 1995. Not to be confused with the term dwarf, which defines all short legged cats.
Scottish Kilt - A new and exciting breed that combines short legs and folded ears. Also often referred to as Gaelic Fold.

Acceptable Outcrosses
Munchkins - Munchkin, Domestic SH, Domestic LH
A domestic is classified as any 'mix' breed cat. While the concept, that a purebred cat can come from your average 'house pet' is odd , the idea was to give Munchkins a unique look of their own.
A first generation MK X DOM cannot be shown in a championship class at this time. Only cats with a 3 generation MK pedigree may compete.
Munchkin X Ragdoll and Munchkin X Siamese have gained tons of popularity over the last few years. While they are blasted cute, it is important to note that they are not part of any recognized short legged breed and thus should be avoided for breeding programs.
Breed Standard (TICA)
Head: Wedge shape, in proportion with the body. High defined cheekbones.
Ears: Proportional with a broad base and rounded tips.
Eyes: Walnut shaped.
Muzzle: Moderate with gentle contours.
Nose: Medium length.
Profile: Flat forehead. Slight stop.
Neck: Firm
Torso: Semi-thick, not compact, rounded chest and firm hips.
Legs: Short and set evenly apart. Back legs may be slightly longer than front.
Feet: Round and pointed straight forward.
Tail: Rounded tip, not overly thick, length of the body.
Boning: Medium
Musculature: Firmly developed.
DQ: Sway back, excessive bowing, appearance of being a miniature version of another recognized breed.
Did you know...
Cats can not properly digest cow milk.
Try goat milk instead!
Most Siamese cats are points, but not all points are Siamese.
Like me, Olive!
Cats can actually hear better than dogs.
Cats rule, dogs drool, and yes, I'm ignoring you.
Scottish Kilts!
Acceptable Outcrosses
Kilts - Munchkin, Bristish Short Hair, British Long Hair, Minuets, Persians, Exotics
Kilts have a couple variations at this time. Some breeders are working towards making them a very distinct looking breed on their own (thus using Minuets, Persians and Exotics) while other breeders (Like us!! :)) are staying true to the Scottish Fold/BSH look. At this time both variations are being accepted.
Kilts (Gaelic Folds) have been advanced within Catz Inc in New Zealand, and can be shown! This is great news for us, as our hope is to one day be able to show our babies right here at home.
Preliminary Breed Standard
(Catz Inc)
Head: Medium length, round, broader than long, not wedge shaped, round forehead.
Nose: Medium short, broader than narrow.
Chin: Even bite, rounded muzzle, firm.
Ears: Set far apart and folded downward, fitting the roundness of the skull. Smaller, tighter fold preferred. Rounded ear tips.
Eyes: Large and round.
Neck: Medium length and width.
Body: Medium length, not to be too short or too long. Level back. Rounded chest, firm hips, medium boning.
Legs: Short with firm musculature. Hind legs may be slightly longer than the front.
Feet: Well rounded and pointed forward.
Tail: Medium length, flexible and tapering.
Condition: Good firm musculature, not skinny, showing robust health.
Colors: All colors recognized.
DQ: Kinked tail, lameness, crossed eyes, stiff rigid tail, polydactyl

Scottish Kilts are now being experimentally registered!
EXPERIMENTAL BREEDS: The Experimental Record is for tracking the parentage of cats not yet recognized in TICA for the Stud Book or Foundation Registries. Tracking of these proposed breeds will provide a precise chronicle of the proposed breed's progress and development. Records will include analysis of any genetic problems inherent in a particular breeding program thus proving or disproving its future acceptance as a viable, healthy breed.
There are a lot of misconceptions of Munchkins being unhealthy cats. Concerns of joint and spinal issues have been greatly exaggerated. The truth is that Munchkins are one of the heartiest breeds with no known breed specific issues.
Dr. Lyons from the University of Missouri has been doing an extensive study on dwarfism in cats. To date, Dr. Lyons has not been able to find any illness linked to the short legged gene.
Please watch for Lyon's publication!
Kilts are another breed that often get a bad reputation for being unhealthy cats. Yes they combine two genetic mutations, but the genes are in no way related. While one affects the cartilage of the ears (allowing them to fold), the other makes those short and stubby legs that we cannot get enough of. Kilt cats are living well into their senior years (10+) with no more health issues than those of an aging cat.
Breeding fold to fold cats will result in a crippling form of arthritis. This will never be a concern in our cattery as we are selective with our pairings and always test for the fold gene prior to mating.